Tuesday, July 29, 2014

My Mouth Hates Me.

I tried to go on a bike ride. Uh, mistake.

You see, my tooth has been bothering me for the past few days.
Like, a lot. Enough that I'd rather not eat anything solid. Soup and apple sauce for the past couple days...
(Better than nothing ~Especially since it's more than some people in the world eat, sadly...~ but boring as un-buttered toast. And I can't even eat that. -_-' )

I've been trying to lose weight recently, and since I hadn't really done anything for exercise today, the bike was calling me. It's a really nice bike, rides REALLY well, stops pretty much on a dime etc. etc.
Yeah, anyways... The more my heart-rate increased, the more the pulsating agony in my tooth increased...
It was like someone had taken a rubber mallet and had started pounding on the little thing...

I swear, the entire right side of my head is throbbing...
 Already have a crown in this tooth, AFTER having a root canal...
Now it's going to have to be pulled.
Fun times.

I do know a recipe for a kind of corn meal/gruel/mushy substance called Grits that's really good, especially if you're sick or having mouth problems. Tasty too, which is good as it looks like I'm going to have to live on that for a few days...

Here it is!
 Makes one pretty big serving
  •  One third of a cup of Quaker Oats dry Grits(You can normally find them with oatmeal in whatever store you shop at)
  •  One cup of milk
  • One cup of water
  • A whisk to stir with
  • A small pot
Mix all of the ingredients into the pot and stir them all together on medium heat.
Keep stirring the whole time, until the mush begins to thicken.
It should be slightly hard to stir at this point, when that happens take it off the stove and pour it into a cereal bowl. 

Now you need
  • Sugar to taste
  • Butter to taste. Margarine is good too.
Mix it all together, wait 'till it's cooled down a little bit, then chow down!
The Grits should be nice and fluffy and sweet!

I hope you like it as much as I do!
Tell me what you think about it in the comments, please!
What do YOU like to make when you're not feeling well? :)

See you next post!
~God Bless~!

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