Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Think My Laptop Hates Me...

My BRAND NEW LAPTOP that my loving and awesome father gave to me for Christmas died.
Not even a year after we got it...
Hence the lack of posts.
Kinda hard to write a blog when you have nothing to write on.

Wanna know the FUN part of this?
ALL of my Highschool curriculum was on there.
My Papers.
My Lessons.
My Projects.
All gone.

I... I can't even...
I'm gonna have to RE-DO all of that...
I'll get back to writing when I can.
Assuming my brain doesn't give out from having to re-do a whole semester of school that it worked VERY hard on...

God bless you all.
May your laptops, E-Readers, phones, Ipads, game consoles, etc. stay running and working well.