First campout I went on was with a friends Girl Scout troop. We were staying in one of the leader's backyards in tents.
Most of the girls there were around thirteen-fourteen, and they were real goofballs!
I shared a tent with Kateniss, my best friend, and one other girl.
It was a BLAST!!!
Kateniss and I played a round of In A Pickle that lasted about two hours, and all of the cards we placed stretched around us several times. I won! :3
We then spent the night in my big tent playing Battleship and giggling at random stupid things.
Kateniss and I helped the troop with a birding Merit Badge, then we went swimming.
Then, she and I went to go sleep over at her house because her Family Reunion was the next day, and she was awesome enough to invite me! That was ALSO very fun! :D
Second campout was about forty-five minutes away, at a place called Christian Youth Fellowship Camp.
A friend of mine, named Juanita, invited me to go, and she even volunteered to pay half of my camp fees!
Uuunfortunately, I still had my tooth ache when I got there... But it went away soon after, thank GOD!!!
All of the campers were divided into four teams, The Prophets, The Fishermen, The Judges, and the Shepherds. I was on the fishermen!
The camp lasted four days, from Thursday to Sunday, hence why I haven't posted anything for a little while.
The cabin I was in was awesome! It could hold five people, and was divided into two bunk rooms, and one big bathroom. No air conditioning, but we had fans.
In the cabin were Rose(Kateniss's sister)
Allysa(Someone I'd never met before this year, but she's really funny and nice)

Emily(Kateniss's other sister. She's cranky. Also funny.)
And yours truly! ("The picture of sophistication and grace!")
We managed to get through the weekend without killing each other, a sign that there is a God watching out for all of us! ;)
We did Bible quizzing
And Kickball(Yes, we played it on a Baseball field)
Not to mention the skits! I HAD TWO PARTS IN MY TEAM'S SKIT. I'd upload video, but every time I try to post it, it says there was an error, and it won't load :/
My team ended up winning every sport, and we got voted best skit too! :D
We all got closer to God in our own ways, and many spiritual battles won at that camp!
I am so very grateful to have a God that loves us and blesses us so, and I'm glad I live in a country where I won't be sentenced to death for loving God and spreading his word.
I was really sad to leave, but on the upside, my team won the first place prize for having the most points at the end of the week! :D
I am SO looking forward to spending time with my crazy, annoying, AWESOME family!
Where do YOU like to camp, if you like to?
~God bless~!
See ya next post!
I did not take a lot of these pictures, as the memory on my camera was full. Many of these were taken by Juanita's mother, or by a friend.
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