Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How I Got Interested In Photography

Alright... This is my first post, and I'm not terribly good at writing, so please bear with me if this is boring, I'm just starting out... I hope this is the first of many posts as I get better at this in the upcoming years!

Have you ever heard of a co-op? It's like a sort of extra curricular thing for homeschoolers. It can be academic, or it can be more for just learning new fun things, or just doing new activities.
Mine is more for fun, and has three class periods, with a lunch break afterwards.
The people there are all very nice, and I've made a whoooooooole bunch of good friends there. :)

One year, they were offering a class on beginner's photography for second period, and since there weren't any other classes that I was interested in, and Kateniss, my best friend was going for it, I signed up for it too!
My family had an old camera that I used from time to time, although I'd never really had much of an interest in photography.

The teacher was a nice guy, very friendly and funny. He was a pretty good teacher, and I learned a decent bit about photography, like don't always put the object that you're taking a picture of in the middle of the frame, sometimes it looks better if it's more to the side.

That year at Christmas, my AMAZING parents got me a shiny AWESOME new camera for a present! It worked like a dream, the focus was awesome, the clarity was beautiful, and I couldn't ask for a better one!

I found I really enjoyed taking pictures of things in nature, landscapes, flowers, trees, animals, you name it!
But I didn't really have anywhere to post my pictures, so I ended up just stopping for a while, which I didn't like, but what was I going to do with all of these pictures? We couldn't print them, we couldn't afford to buy all of that ink and paper! So, for a few years, my love of photography had to be stifled for convenience sake, sadly. :(

One day, I was on a page I'd liked on Facebook, surfing through the pictures they'd posted. Then I saw a picture that someone had posted from another website, called deviantART.com. Hesitantly, I checked it out,  being paranoid about viruses and all that. Well, I really liked the stuff I'd found on there, so I made an account, just wanting to like pictures and comment, not really thinking about posting anything at the time, thinking that it was a site for paintings only, and I had little interest in that.

I began browsing around on there, looking at all of the amazing things that people created with their various artistic talents. And THEN... I found a photography page! I was shocked, I thought you could only post paintings and digital art on there!(I admit, it had never really occurred to me to check... I never said I was smart :p )

Well, for the next few days, my camera and I were inseparable. Everywhere I went, I had it with me, ready to grab a winning snapshot of anything that crossed my path! Sloooowly, I started getting views and favorites on the pictures, and each time I got a notification about it, I just felt amazing! :D Ever since then, photography has been the love of my life, and I couldn't be happier about being where I am today!

Here's the link to my deviantART page! ; http://linkwannabe42.deviantart.com/
Here's the link to the artist that I was interested in checking out when I first got on!;http://stephanothestatue.deviantart.com/(Sadly, she doesn't update anymore, due to lack of inspiration, but she has a new page right here! ;http://castel-eown.deviantart.com/. I gotta warn you, she swears a lot. Don't go to her page unless you're prepared for some nasty words, although it is well worth it, as she is a great artist, and a nice person!)

What inspires YOU to make art, if you do?
See ya next post!
~God bless~!

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